Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day .:140

Today I completed my final long-distance run before the marathon, 21 miles!

It took me close to 4 hours to do, so at this point I'm on pace to run the 26.2 in about 5 hours. I stopped by the Reho-Beach Running Co yesterday to pick up some Jelly Belly Sport Beans (huh?) and some Powerbar Gels. Steve-O implored me to never try these things, and he's right in that they taste like V8 mixed with toothpaste. But dang, do they work.

I ran straight to mile 18, and then crumpled. And walk-jogged pretty much the rest. But I don't even care. I did it. Here's a pic, post-run with a cliff-shot of hot cocoa:

11 Days left!

I'm just so excited, because this is all Jesus. I never thought I could do something like this in a million years. And it's happening. And it's awesome.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day .:139

Wow. Just wow.

I can't believe it, but I'm almost there! I've messed up with blogging to keep everyone up to speed, but I've stuck with the running commitment this far! Last Saturday (Day .:131) I ran 17 miles. Holy Crap. Me.

I've been reading over the beginning posts about just deciding that you want to change your life for the better, and it's totally true. You seriously CAN change your life in a day. I guess all you really have to do is decide.

The race is in Lewes, DE on November 22nd. I'm signed up, ready to go. Tomorrow is my final long run before the big day.....I'm hoping to do 20 Miles. I'll let you know how it goes.