Thursday, July 31, 2008

DAY .:040

Alright, Alrighty!

Last night I did a solid 1hr o' runnin' without any breaks at a steady 5.3 mph. 700 cals burned, covered 5.5 miles.


(I then proceeded to raid subway for a footlong meatball sub).

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

DAY .:038

Okay, so today I ran 3.5 Mile on a gym tready, and then did the ole' 15 Mi. cross-train spin class. I still need to kick things into high gear. I'm just not cutting it yet. I still need to hit an 8 mi. run (aka, "The Eminem Stride") and my diet isn't on par yet either.


I know I can do this. But I think I need some solid guidance from someone who's done this before.

Monday, July 21, 2008

DAY .:031

Cross Training tonight: Spin class. Did roughly 15 miles biking in a sweaty gym!

Sunday, July 20, 2008

DAY .:029

7 Miles on the tready yersterday! BOOYAH!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

DAY .:024

Here's Today!

Man, oh was awesome...and painful. I did 5.6 mi. total. 4.5 without stopping outside, then it got dark. Then I came inside, and did another 1.14 on the tready.

As I was soaking the ole' legs in the tub, post-run....I felt my ankles aching up a tad, and I don't know if this is normal or a sign I should do a bit more stretching. Either way....great run, but holy canoley...My legs hurt.

Post Weigh-in: 162.4 lbs.

(Side note....I'm gaining weight! I wonder if that's normal too?!)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

DAY .:022b

Went to a spin class...biked the equiv of 15 mi.

Burned 550 cals...

Monday, July 14, 2008

DAY .:022

Ran about 4 Mi. this morning.

See this run

Post-run weigh in: 161.2 lbs.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

DAY .:020

Three Weeks ago tomorrow I decided that I wanted to train for a marathon. Within the course of those three weeks, I've:

- Done about 8 runs, with the top one being 6.1 miles. (still need to make it to 7 miles! TONIGHT!)
- Researched training schedules, and settled on this one.
- Decided that the marathon to run will be on November 6th, in Lewes, DE.

This week, I need to:

- Hit a 10 miler run.
- Register for the Lewes Marathon
- Find a Halfie Marathon to run somewhere in the meantime, just to see what I'm in for.

Sidenote: I also need to start looking into diet stuff, and what runners eat....(or maybe, more painfully....what they DON'T eat). Double Sidenote: I have a feeling the diet soda & mint fraps may have to go....and I ain't too happy about it.

I also want to schedule an interview with a coworker of my dads'. He does marathons, and is a runner's runner.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

DAY .:017

Okay! I've found a marathon.

I'm running on November 6th in Lewes, DE. Thanks to Gilgal who found one for me...And then subsequently posted embarasing videos of me.

The 7 Miler I had scheduled didn't pan out...two nights ago ran 2 mi. And tonight is the 7 mi. reschedule.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 5, 2008

DAY .:013

Well, things are going pretty well. I dropped a run yesterday because of the holiday, but am planning a shortie (3 Mi) tonight. Tomorrow's my next long run: 7 Miles.

I'm super stoked about all this, and may have a potential marathon in my sights. Any other runners out there? If so, any tips for running your first marathon?

Thursday, July 3, 2008

DAY .:011

Holy cow!

Best run yet. Ran last night at 7:30 PM. It was nice and cool this time, so I was able to cover more distance. A personal best: 5.6 miles without stopping!

Post-Run Weigh in: 158.8