Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day .:094

I have a slight problem.

I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to sugar.

Over the last few months I've grown what a certain acquaintance referred to as "anglo-saxon calves", but from the waist up, I'm still the outta shape semi-pudgy me. That's gotta change (and not just for aesthetics sake. "They" say a stronger upper bod can help you go farther / faster / keep yourself more stable). I was kinda hoping to look like this by November:

A friend is doing the "all veggies" deal and that's got me thinking. Not about becoming a vegetarian, but shaping up my diet on a provisional basis. Something along the lines of "no sodas and coffee" I'm sure would make a big enough difference.

Anyone out there have any personal experience with this sorta thing, and have made lasting changes?

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