Friday, January 30, 2009

DAY .:003

Okay. So, I've done a little looking around, and I've decided. I'm going to run the Christiana Care Marathon on May 17th. That'll give me another 3.5 Months of training, and I still need to throw a halfie in there somewhere.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Day .:001 - AGAIN?

Hello Hello!

Sorry for how late this post is, and my apologies to any who didn't know that I did, in fact, finally run my first marathon on November 22nd. I waited a while, though, so I could get some perspective on what it means to accomplish a life-goal, and what I wanted to do next. Here's a pic Gillie took at the finish line:

It was cold. And I mean, COLD. 22 degrees at 6 AM, but I did it. And it was awesome. And there's a sweet pic of the half & full marathon medals hanging in my bedroom closet now (So I can remind myself everyday that I finally set a goal & stuck with it).

I was super pumped after it happened, and am so proud that I can use that as momentum for future goals (now I can say junk like, "Well, if I have the discipline to run a marathon, then I should be able to make myself remember to buy deodorant.")

All that to say.....I'm gonna do another one. I don't consider myself a running freak, and I'm not a glutton for punishment, but I did have a pretty slow time (6:30) because I hit a wall pretty early on and walked a ton. And the old ladies on walkers passing me didn't help either.

So, today is day 001 again. I'm not sure where or when, but I'm doing another marathon, and I want to do it in at least an hour less time. (The fact that it'll be spring/summer may help as well. That cold is killa.)

So, 300 Christmas cookies & 10 pounds later, I'm starting training back up. Yesterday I ran 5.5 Miles on the treadie at world Gym, and it was indeed a workout. Taking a month off'll do it to ya, I guess :-)

Oh well. Live and learn!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day .:140

Today I completed my final long-distance run before the marathon, 21 miles!

It took me close to 4 hours to do, so at this point I'm on pace to run the 26.2 in about 5 hours. I stopped by the Reho-Beach Running Co yesterday to pick up some Jelly Belly Sport Beans (huh?) and some Powerbar Gels. Steve-O implored me to never try these things, and he's right in that they taste like V8 mixed with toothpaste. But dang, do they work.

I ran straight to mile 18, and then crumpled. And walk-jogged pretty much the rest. But I don't even care. I did it. Here's a pic, post-run with a cliff-shot of hot cocoa:

11 Days left!

I'm just so excited, because this is all Jesus. I never thought I could do something like this in a million years. And it's happening. And it's awesome.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Day .:139

Wow. Just wow.

I can't believe it, but I'm almost there! I've messed up with blogging to keep everyone up to speed, but I've stuck with the running commitment this far! Last Saturday (Day .:131) I ran 17 miles. Holy Crap. Me.

I've been reading over the beginning posts about just deciding that you want to change your life for the better, and it's totally true. You seriously CAN change your life in a day. I guess all you really have to do is decide.

The race is in Lewes, DE on November 22nd. I'm signed up, ready to go. Tomorrow is my final long run before the big day.....I'm hoping to do 20 Miles. I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day .:118

Spin Class last Monday, 10K run today. Gotta pick things up.

No excuses, but I've been losing it in the daily mileages. Long runs are looking good, but the small dailies are what's hurting me...

Friday, October 10, 2008

Day .:108

Ran 8 Miles on Wednesday...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Day .:104

Update on some improvements:

I'm registering for "The Big One" this week. I've gotten close enough now to believe I'm actually going to pull it off! Which is pretty exciting. I've been doing slightly better on the food-front. Tried to "give up" caffiene, and made it a full 24 hours before literally feeling buzzed sitting in my car with a vanilla chai with indian music playing. But that may be some of the gas fumes my car's been emitting. More on that in a different post.

Treaded 5.5 mi. today, and 15 mi. Spin class. Over 1K calories burned today.


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Day .:097

Today I rocked the treadie for 14 miles!

Personal best!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Day .:094

I have a slight problem.

I'm pretty sure I'm addicted to sugar.

Over the last few months I've grown what a certain acquaintance referred to as "anglo-saxon calves", but from the waist up, I'm still the outta shape semi-pudgy me. That's gotta change (and not just for aesthetics sake. "They" say a stronger upper bod can help you go farther / faster / keep yourself more stable). I was kinda hoping to look like this by November:

A friend is doing the "all veggies" deal and that's got me thinking. Not about becoming a vegetarian, but shaping up my diet on a provisional basis. Something along the lines of "no sodas and coffee" I'm sure would make a big enough difference.

Anyone out there have any personal experience with this sorta thing, and have made lasting changes?

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day .:093

hey, hey!

Checking in. Thursday, ran 3.5 Mi.
Saturday ran 12.8 Miles outside
Today ran 5.6 Miles on the tready.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Day .:087

Did 5.5 Miles on Monday (treadmill)
Did 6.5 Miles on Tuesday (outside)

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Day .:081

Okay, so now that we're back into the groove O' things. Last week I took a 7 day vacation from work, and running. Started the commotion back up last Monday with a 5 mi. run & a 13 Mi. spin class. Back in action folks....My friend Enos says that I need to log in at least 40 mi. per week in order to be "comfortably ready" for this marathon.

Holy Monkey.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Day .:075 - Halfie Pictures

Enos & I walking to the Halfie

The Front of the Race

West Side!

Last Mile

With a Medal!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Day .:071 - HALF MARATHON!


Okay. So, this is so awesome. It was definitely one of those experiences in life where I had so many feelings that I hope I get to reminisce and capture them all. But here's a sweeping glance at this weekend:

- It was a few hour drive down to VA, and I met up with the Kainos group going camping. Steve-O, who ran in this race last year, helped me out with all the details and snapped some great pics of me in the race (coming soon). I couldn't sleep the night before, and ended up getting about an hour's worth (in a sleeping bag on the ground). And we were up at 4:30 AM to head over to VA beach.

- I ran the halfie in 2 hr. 41 mins. Which isn't awesome by some's athletic standards, but awesome for me. After every few hundred people, there's a pacing team, and I started out for the 1st 3-4 miles behind the 2 hr. 22 min. pacers. Then dropped back a bit to the 2:30. And had to pee. My average pace was about 11 Mi. per mile. Slow n' steady. I finished #10,920 out of 16,336 people.

- I had to use the porto-john at mile 12 and really wish I remembered to latch the door closed. An older lady saw more of me than anyone ever should.

- I broke down and took a "walk break" about 3 times. Steve-O happened to be strategically positioned at miles 11.5 and 13 to yell a well placed "RUUUUN!!!!" to kick me out of my trance.

Thanks so much Steve for all your help through this thing, man. You're the one who originally triggered my "start running" deal 70 days ago, and you've kept me accountable. Thanks also to friends & family for support this far. train for November.....

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Day .:066

The pic to the right was me "post-run" drenched in sweat about to rub coke zero all over my face....And believe me. Sometimes that's exactly what you should do.

I'm about to hit the first major mile-marker in my journey to "non-lethargic freedom". The half marathon is this weekend, and I think I'm ready!

Yesterday I clocked in (survived is more like it) an 11 mi. run outside. It probably wasn't incredibly smart to run in the middle of the afternoon (87 degrees!), and it sapped me pretty quick. I was walk/jogging by mile 8, and walking at around 9. And ran out of gatorade by that time too. The sunburn wasn't too sweet either...But I did it!

This was also the "retirement run" for my old shoes. These guys have been with me for about 3 years, and are just wearing out. Tomorrow I go to pick up my new 9 EEEE shoes with arch support!

If you think of it, pray for me this weekend!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Day .:060

Well, the halfie is 11 days away, and I'm feeling pretty good. Last weeks recap:

- 2.3 Miles outside on Thursday
- 7.0 Miles inside on Saturday
- 7.5 Miles inside On Monday & 15 Mile Spin Class

Gatorade has now become my drink of choice, which is a tad better than all the soda, but still not quite where I need to be (water), and I think I just need at least one 11-12 mi. run before the halfie to feel I'm totally ready.

I also went to the outlets in Reho, and found that not a single store had running shoes in my size, which is a post unto itself.

you see, I have strangely shaped feet. My left foor is half a size smaller than my right. So, 7.5-8 EE on my left foot, and 8-8.5 EE on my right. Weird, right? So I'm going to check some online shops (read, for a quality shoe I can use for the halfie. My current shoes are wearing down quick.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Day .:051

Yay! New personal best. I ran 9.5 Miles today outside from the house halfway to church, to Ingram's pond and back!

Friday, August 8, 2008

Day .:048

Alrighty bedighty ladies and gents. Here's the lowdown of last week. I:

- Clocked 2 Miles last Saturday
- 8.5 Miles on Monday, followed by 13 Mile Spin class
- 4 miles on Wednesday
- Signed up for the VA Beach Rock n' Roll halfie Marathon!

So that means I have 3 more weeks to get up to par for running a smooth 13.5 Miles. No problem. I am way excited because it looks like, at my current training pace, I am seriously gonna do this piece!

August 30th!

Friday, August 1, 2008

DAY .:041

So I took Steve-O's advice and interviewed a friend who's run 3 marathons. He proceeded to break training down into more manageable "bite size" chunks. 25 Miles a week for the first 4 weeks. Starting now, says he.

He also said it's worth getting a good pair of shoes, and a personal suggestion for me to take longer strides. He observed me on the tready, and said that I definitely don't take as full strides as I need to, so widen it up like Tony Little on the Gazelle!

Thursday, July 31, 2008

DAY .:040

Alright, Alrighty!

Last night I did a solid 1hr o' runnin' without any breaks at a steady 5.3 mph. 700 cals burned, covered 5.5 miles.


(I then proceeded to raid subway for a footlong meatball sub).

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

DAY .:038

Okay, so today I ran 3.5 Mile on a gym tready, and then did the ole' 15 Mi. cross-train spin class. I still need to kick things into high gear. I'm just not cutting it yet. I still need to hit an 8 mi. run (aka, "The Eminem Stride") and my diet isn't on par yet either.


I know I can do this. But I think I need some solid guidance from someone who's done this before.